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Friday, March 2, 2012

It's Make a Flower Friday!!!!!! (again)

 Today we are going to make some sophisticated looking flowers. We will use some very precise measurements and terminology, so please feel free to ask questions if you need to!

First, you will need a largish piece of satin like material (like I said, we are using very precise terminology here). I am using this square of red. 

Now, you'll want to take your scissors and cut out four or five circles of different sizes. If you have a die cutting machine and a circles die, that would be great for this flower. Alas, I don't have such a die so I am cutting my own circles.

Notice that my circle skills need vast improvement. Luckily for all of us, it doesn't matter at all if they are a little less than perfect. 

Now comes the fun part. Slightly burn the edges of your flowers. They will scorch slightly and when you burn from the bottom the circles will turn up (like flower petals)!

Leaving you with several different sizes of circles like so.

Using glossy accents, I applied a dot of glue to the center of the largest circle, and layered my circles upon each other.

When you have finished layering your circles, add a cute button or charm to the center for added interest. I used a Prima flower center.

And when you are done you have a nice little flower.

Thanks for looking, everybody!


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